Team Guy 911

Supporting Navy Seals in civilian life

At Team Guy 911, we understand the immense sacrifices and challenges that Navy Seals face while serving our country and after retirement. Our nonprofit is dedicated to providing mental health support and alternative treatments to prevent suicide and improve the overall wellbeing of those who have served.

How we help

If you are a friend or family member of a Navy Seal who is struggling, you can call our toll-free number to ask for help. Our team of professionally trained former Navy Seals will evaluate the situation and provide personalized support to address the specific mental health needs of the individual.

Our approach includes a combination of evidence-based, traditional therapies and alternative medicines when appropriate. We are proud to have certified doctors and mental health specialists involved in our organization who truly understand the unique mental health challenges faced by Navy Seals and are dedicated to providing effective and compassionate care.

Join our cause

If you are looking for a way to support our mission, consider making a donation here. Your support allows us to continue providing vital resources and support to Navy Seals and their families.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our country.

© Sheldon Scott Bradley 2023